Berkeley English ranked #1 graduate program by U.S. News

The English Department has been ranked #1 in U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 national graduate program rankings.
The high ranking of the department as a whole resulted from the high ranking of our field specialties, as follows:
#1 in American Literature After 1865
#1 in Gender and Literature
#2 in 18th Through 20th Century British Literature
#2 in African-American Literature
#3 in American Literature Before 1865
#3 in Medieval & Renaissance Literature
#4 in Literary Criticism and Theory (tie)
The current Chair of the English Department, Professor Eric Falci, says of the news: “We are pleased to be recognized once again as a top English Department and to be in the company of such important departments across the country. Ranking academic departments is a terribly fraught and uncertain enterprise, but one of the factors that must surely be taken into account in any such ranking is the success and brilliance of a department’s students, and so on that score at least our ranking makes sense: the students in the Berkeley English Department are the best around.”
Other Berkeley graduate programs ranked #1 include History, Psychology, and Sociology. You can read more about UC Berkeley’s campus-wide performance here.
(Photo © 2003 by Alan Nyiri, courtesy of the Atkinson Photographic Archive.)