Arianna Huffington Mentions Kathleen Donegan in Piece for New Graduates

Arianna Huffington, of The Huffington Post, recently devoted several paragraphs to a 2009 speech by Professor Kathleen Donegan, entitled “Finding the Story.” Donegan’s speech concerned her experiences as a female academic raising children in graduate school. Huffington had this to say about the speech:
Donegan had charted a clear line for her own story, how she would have three children in graduate school and how they would be scheduled to fit into the timetable of her studies. It didn’t work out that way. “In my experience, being willing — or being forced — to let go of the story you’re following is what brings you closer to that line,” she said. “One day after my son Leo was born, he died.” She was forced to let go of her charts and calculations and connect with deeper truths.
To read more of Huffington’s piece, click here. The discussion of Donegan’s speech begins toward the end.